Category Archives: Professional Development

Good vs. Great Professional Development: Spotting the Differences

While there are many different professional development courses out there, they should not all be treated equally. All programs come with different guidelines, rules and course materials so when it comes to choosing the correct courses for you make sure you know that you are getting a great course and not just a good one. […]

Advantages of online professional development courses

Professional development for teachers has continued to grow in popularity and necessity, with more and more schools and instructors choosing to enlist in courses that can benefit them both personally and professionally. Although traditional professional development courses were taken in classroom settings, online courses have been steadily gaining popularity as many are realizing the advantages […]

Serious Courses for Serious Teachers. What Do Your Courses Say About You?

When searching for teacher certification credits online for license renewal, you will run into a plethora of different options offered to you through various search engine results. The choices are endless, really, everything from inexpensive hourly credits in any course of your choice to strict and rigid courses. Do you want graduate credit or do […]