Category Archives: Teacher Resources

Breaking down the Common Core’s 8 mathematical practice standards

The Common Core mathematical practice standards are the foundation for mathematical thinking and practice for students as well as guidance that helps teachers modify their classrooms to approach teaching in a way that develops a more advanced mathematical understanding. Think of these standards as a guide to creating a more complex and absorbing learning experience […]

Good vs. Great Professional Development: Spotting the Differences

While there are many different professional development courses out there, they should not all be treated equally. All programs come with different guidelines, rules and course materials so when it comes to choosing the correct courses for you make sure you know that you are getting a great course and not just a good one. […]

Common Core Resources “Common Core Standards for Kindergarten through 12th grade serve as a map assisting teachers with planning instruction, crafting their own lessons and linking their plans with the standards. CorePlanner enables you to check and document Common Core Standards for Math and English as they apply to each lesson plan.” “Amazing teachers, amazing Common Core […]

How to Prepare for the Common Core State Standards in 3 Steps

With a majority of U.S. states on track to fully implementing the Common Core State Standards during this year, many around the nation are left with questions about the changes in education and how the implementation will happen. Whether you’re a fan of the new standards or not, field testing has already started in 36 […]

Leading Trends in Education To Get Behind

Advancements in technology are reshaping the classroom and the way students and educators interact. Schools around the country are embracing the multimedia revolution and integrating new software and devices into their course work. Here are five trends sweeping the nation in education and how you can jump on board. 1. BYOD. “Bring Your Own Device” […]

Flipping the Classroom: A Basic How-To Guide

A movement in education, referred to as “flipping the classroom,” is slowly grabbing the attention of teachers and administrators alike, possibly redefining the future of education. The genius is in its simplicity: flipping the work done in the classroom with the work traditionally done at home. The idea is for students to study the basic […]

Implementing the Common Core? Avoid These 5 Big Mistakes

1. Trying to do it alone As the saying goes, “two heads are better than one.” Teachers helping teachers is essential to the success and outcome of the Common Core State Standards. After being adopted by more than 40 states, at least 85% of state curricula is expected to be based around the new Common […]

Serious Courses for Serious Teachers. What Do Your Courses Say About You?

When searching for teacher certification credits online for license renewal, you will run into a plethora of different options offered to you through various search engine results. The choices are endless, really, everything from inexpensive hourly credits in any course of your choice to strict and rigid courses. Do you want graduate credit or do […]

Online Teacher Resources Pocket Guide

Online teacher resources can be a teacher’s best friends. We understand the difficulties of trying to create unique and original classroom materials for each lesson plan. Online resources are here to help and offer teachers everything from printable worksheets to lesson plans and even in-classroom interactive games. Here are a few we suggest: With […]